Recently I have been working on my speed over short distances, which for me being known as 'Diesel' for the main reason of being slow but steady has been quite tough. I am trying to get used running to exhaustion rather than making my body endure long periods of discomfort. This is starting to pay off, I have noticed a difference in the strength in my legs and the ability to go a bit quicker and maintain it. The moral so far is to sometimes train at the things that are outside of your comfort zone. Am exploring this method whilst I had a rest from long distances after the HM110. I am now booked in to a 36 miler followed by a 60 miler in August. Its time to get back to the trails and time to get some distance in.
I am feeling really positive now about next years adventures, training is going well and preparations have begun. I will begin doing some running with a weighted pack soon as just ordered a pack for this purpose and a weighted training vest is arriving shortly. My other area of focus will be core training and I have ordered a book on training with a medicine ball. This will hopefully give me a slightly different angle to work on for a bit and improve my core strength going into my long runs.
Motivation is key now and to keep the momentum, don't get side tracked and keep moving forward!
Believe to achieve!!!!