I decided I was going to do part of the route from Hebden Bridge, so I found a carpark which was what I thought was near to the path and got myself kitted up and ready. I was wearing a pair of running tights with another pair of leggings on top, with 4 layers on my top half with hat and gloves. I had the map at the ready and my phone with the location googled and a map incase i needed it. I set off in the direction of the Pennine Way all excited enjoying the stunning snowy cold crisp views and being really pleased with myself for actually getting there doing it. It wasnt far along the road before I came across a signpost pointing in both directions and saying Pennine Way. Great I'm there! So I crossed the road and followed this beautiful trail only to discover about 200 yards later that it had taken me back into the town and more or less exactly where I'd started. So feeling rather frustrated I kept studying the map which I have now decided was utterly useless as didn't show enough detail, I eventually picked a direction to go and decided to ask for help. I ended up going back up the same road I had originally and apparently it was about 10 minutes walk from there!
Once I had eventually found the trail it was just as I imagined, heading out on to the moors covered in snow with a cold brisk wind sending a chill through your bones.
This path was horrendous, no clear visible route only footprints from the previous people. My feet were sinking the stream like path where the chilling ice cold water seeped into my trainers soaking my feet. Trying to avoid the deep pools I ventured to the edges of the path stepping and striding over the clumps of snow topped grass. After about 2 miles my worst nightmare happened, I went over on my ankle 'again!!!!' and yet again it popped with an explosion of pain going on in my ankle. This was bad, I knew it was'nt going to be an easy walk back to there car it was about 4 miles away, and I was a hobbling wreck! I was able to walk on it as long it was flat and I could try keep my weight off it.
I eventually made it back to the car, to my relief! Cup of coffee, a bite to eat then off I went back to York. I had work to get back for which was going to be a challenge in itself. This overall was a great experience unfortunately it was going to cost me a few weeks and was going to put a halt to my training!