Wednesday, 26 July 2017

How to start again!

Isn't it amazing that sometimes your desire to train or train hard is determined by mood.  How you're feeling either on the day or at that time.  Training can be done because of your current mood either because your flying high or because your down in dumps. Currently for me, I'm up there in the clouds flying pretty high at the moment so my desire to train is back and strong.

So I feel inspired again, I am excited about my next major challenge which is a bit away yet but I need to have the target to build up to.  Like I said in one of the last few posts I'm looking to do a few shorter runs to build up some stamina and strength again then onto the Hardmoors 60 in September.  What is your major challenge I hear you ask??????  Well after not much thought as it was easy really I'm going to have a crack at the Hardmoors 160 next May.  Wahoo yes 160 miles in one go, I can't believe that this is how far I have come in my Journey.  To do a 100 mile race in November as a training run lol for the 160.  Who does that!!! Ha Ha love it!

I have a good 10 months of training which is great, my main focus will be to stay injury free and build base level fitness first with short runs.  I will incorporate strength training, flexibility training and pool work.  I'm actually excited about all this just by writing it down lol!  I scare myself sometimes ha ha!

So that's the plan.  What have I been doing at the moment, well pretty little in honesty but my pretty little is very different to others, I'm no machine, I know where I am in the grand scale of things I'm no elite athlete I am just an ordinary bloke trying to stay fit and healthy.  I think my body just needed a rest so I have done a few light sessions in the gym and a few short runs as in 3.5 miles just to tick over.  As I am a tennis coach I am on my feet and staying fit every day plus I have been playing tennis quite a bit over the last 2 months so its not all been sitting on my bum doing nothing when I say I've done very little.  I managed to get out for a run yesterday which is my first in about 2 or 3 weeks and about my 3rd or 4th in a couple of months, which is pretty minimal which tells me I needed a rest.  My run yesterday was enlightening, yes I mean that, this so because even though I'd built up to running 50 miles then 70 then the 110 and on to the MdS, my run yesterday was rubbish.  Great, but rubbish!!!  I felt awful, slow like a slug, like I was running through treacle with a fridge on my back.  I was slow, yes yes slower than normal then shall I say. Normally I guess this is what puts some people off because they think that's how it will always be, but I now know better.  I know that this is the test, this is now your challenge, the battle has begun, its 'the will' battle.  Through experience I know that each time from now it will be easier as long as I keep going at it and be consistent.  I know that this is the test, that defines your mental strength, 'give in now and achieve nothing' or 'fight back, train, and go on to achieve your dreams'.  Quite heavy for an early morning blog post but like I say I'm inspired.  So do I give up because it was so rubbish and horrible yesterday making me feel like I haven't done any of the things I have OR do I fight back and train, get strong, and re-build!  Yes you guessed right, I've just found my first challenge on the journey to Hardmoors 160.  How to start again!!!!!

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

It hasn't been quite how I intended, my training has been minimal, not through lack of motivation but through lack of confidence in my body.  I have just taken some time out to allow the little niggles and injuries to clear up which I think I am now about there.  I am definitely mentally ready to get back out there now, I miss the trails and the challenges.  I need to sign up to something that I can get my teeth into as the challenge of distance, great as it is, requires a lot of time and dedication.  So I am looking for some shorter distances to get myself back to it.  I want to work on some things firstly need to get my weight down again and secondly my speed over the shorter distances.  I am also wanting to improve my strength in my legs and endurance capabilities.  Best get back in the gym once this pesky cold has gone!

So its time to put the effort in and start getting some results!