Thursday, 9 January 2020

Back out there again today plodding away, wading actually is probably a better description, at the miles.  Since taking on Ronnie Staton as my coach my improvement is starting to reveal.  One of the main reasons I went to Ronnie for help was for consistency and structure.  Its quite interesting though as I feel quite under pressure to fit the runs in or the training, but now I'm clocking up the miles by getting some structure I feel like I'm going to have a chance and doing this thing.

Today I was scheduled to do 3-5 hours endurance Hike/run, it was actually for another day but I swapped the days round to fit me.  I'm trying to get into the routine of Thursdays being my long run day, I just need to get out a bit earlier as its not quite giving me enough time to get the extra distance or to do anything else at home.

Sarah as always is being great, although she looks at me a bit weird when I say what I've either got planned to do or say what I've done.  Her support is amazing and I really feel now that we get out on most Sundays for a joint run that we are both getting some good habits.  It is a strain sometimes as I see how hard she works and how difficult it sometimes is with the kids, then I say I'm just popping out for a run 'see you soon'!  Probably doesn't help...

Today I revisited my running route from last week, starting in Hutton-le-Hole and heading out to Bransdale from Gilamoor and across the top of the Moors before coming back via Church Houses and Low Mill.  Its now become my steady Thursday long run route, I've stolen it really from the Hardmoors race series.  This particular route I'm using is the Farndale half marathon which is about 16/17 miles and its fit for purpose really.  At the moment its a good distance for me to step up to and its hilly with some good lung busting climbs.  I'm hoping over the next few weeks to increase the distance by using some of the marathon route which I don't want to rush into as I feel I could end up over doing it then being injured.  I'm also thinking of using the Goathland route to mix it up a bit too which will be fun as I've not done any of this before.

Something that was interesting today and something that has been lacking in the past a bit was the repeating of my mantra.  "I can, I will!!"  and a new one which was very simple but to the point "Finish!!!" All I could think was  'just bloody finish it this time!' .  This made me realise how important this little constant reminders are as they push you harder and further, because they constantly motivate you as they matter to you.

Whats great or what I've been finding is even though I've been keeping my speed steady if not slow over these longer runs my legs are feeling strong and can cope with the distance fine.  I do feel I need to try and push myself on one of these longer runs to find out what I can actually do.  In my training he has me doing shorter runs but with a number of (sprints) or faster sections that I find quite hard but I'm reaping the rewards now I guess by feeling stronger and more capable.

My main concentration now is, weight, I want to start dropping some Kg's and keeping injury free while pushing myself in the shorter runs when required.  I really want to be in a good place ready for the Hardmoors 55 in March.  Its game time and I'm getting geared up for the battle!!!!

Consistency - and Structure that's the key!

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Here we go again!

So once again I've signed up to put my body through hell.  The Hardmoors 160 is the challenge, unfinished business.  This time with much greater knowledge, better training and a new plan.  I will be taking this on with a renewed sense of challenge and exciting but with a lot more determination.  The thought of dnf'ing again is my motivation, I want this!

Christmas is a great time of year I love it.  Apart from being with the family and getting to do all the festive things I also get the opportunity to get some good training in.  I have now taken on Ronnie Staton as a coach with the aim of not just completing the Hardmoors 160 but to also go on and achieve some new goals I've set.  I now have a much more structured programme involving different workouts and durations which I am trying to incorporate.  My training was building up great, readying myself for the Hardwolds 80 which I was doing as a tester really.  Regrettably though I came down with flu or a virus that completed knocked me for six.  I waited right to the last minute, having this annoying mental battle all day on the Friday before I finally came to the conclusion that I was in no fit state to attempt an 80 mile ultra race let alone a 13.1 mile half marathon.  Its an incredibly difficult decision to make when you can still move around ok and always believe in being the kind of person that will always try before accepting defeat.  In this case though it would have been dangerous to have even tried and irresponsible, plus unfair on the people organising the event.

A couple of weeks had passed and this flu was still lingering.  I couldn't shake it, and my training was beginning to lessen as time went on.  After nearly 4 weeks I was able to start getting back into but now we were entering the Christmas season and this was going to hamper it yet again.  I've manage to just about keep up with the schedule but I stupidly went out one cold morning this week with intention of doing hill sprints as my scheduled training.  The idea was to do 1-3 miles steady warm up followed by 14 medium 10 second sprints then a 1-3 mile cool down.  Well I was up against it for time with trying to fit everything in and I didn't take care of myself.  I only allowed for a minimal warm-up, barely even a mile but I convinced myself this was fine.  I began the sprints, 3/4 effort was what was required but I think mine was more like 90%.  I managed 8 before I felt a tweak in my hamstring, at the time it didn't really feel like much so I tried another before pulling up and deciding that was enough and just headed back home in a straggling slow jog looking like a lame dog.

Where am I now? Well I've luckily had a few days off work for New Year so I've used the time to rest altogether allowing it time to mend.  I'm hoping to get out tomorrow for a run/hike and to test it.  It was a big strain so I'm hoping the few days off will have been enough.  Lesson learnt!!!!