Thursday, 23 January 2025

Doing the hard yards!

 Doing the hard yards!

So this isn't just about getting the miles in on mornings when its lashing down, freezing cold and icy or just simply when I'm tired from the day to day regime of life itself, oh no, its about stretching constantly to keep on top of recent injuries and to help prevent new ones.  For me this is a biggie, I seem to have acquired quite bad flexibility over the years and now having to work hard at overcoming this.  So apart from ritual-like stretching I have yoga booked in my diary every week on a Friday.  I am completely and utterly useless at this but it gives me an hour of stretching and working areas that I would probably ignore.  I spend most of the session chuckling to myself as I'm flexing a leg here or bending my body there or just simply balancing on one leg like the leaning tower of Pisa ha ha!!!  What else, oh yeah food and drink consumption, ugh!!  So to achieve any kind of success in weight loss my first step is 'Dry January' or as its turns in to, 'Dry January, February, March and April' lol.  One month wasn't enough unfortunately so I have to keep going and now this is something I go through every year.  So, no booze, rule number 1.  Next I have cut out crisps and chocolate, not that I think I have too much of this stuff but to get the weight off that I need then I have to cut it out altogether ugh!! Once I've done that another biggie is bread which I probably find even harder than beer, I'm on track to achieve my goals but I still have to count calories and be careful.  I'm focusing on getting a good level of protein, reduced salt intake and no sweet stuff. UUUGGGHHH!!!

These are the hard yards!

As Alex Ferguson once said "You can't have success without sacrifice!"

The 160 has been a target for a few years now and I've been close to achieving it once before but I've not really been in a good place physically for the past 18 months so I'm really trying hard to 'control the controllables' as my wife would say.  So for me this means, weight, training, self-care and sleep.  So, as you may gather by now one of my main hold ups is my weight, but really this is a 'controllable', I can do something about it, its in my own hands (head) to whether I do it or not so like I've said recently its mindset.  I have to focus on it, fight one day at a time and achieve small targets. Again, with regards to actually training, I have to get into good habits, routines and stick to the plan, build and grow! Self-care, for me this about looking after myself so little things like eating well, getting the protein I need to help recover, stretching, massages, foam roller, a bit of swimming (I'm not a fan but it helps!) and a bit of time in the jacuzzi for my back. Sorting my feet and looking after them as they can be come an issue if I let them, and if you've seen them then you know what I'm talking about ha ha! I've even got in the ice bath a few times to help with recover after runs.  Now that I'm not drinking my sleep has improved as it always does, but I'm trying to not always go out running as early as I can all the time, even though I like this I'm trying to allow a little bit of rest to help recovery.  I'm currently feeling good, but the problem is once I'm like this I'm not as tired when I go to bed and I can't help getting up early doh!

I know its a few months away but I'm actually already getting excited for this race as I know I'm doing the right things and getting myself in to a good place for it.  I keep thinking about the areas on the route that I know will be key so I'm thinking of getting out on the course and covering some miles over these sections.  Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable, thats what Goggins says, so I need to become comfortable with certain sections that I know will push me to my limits.  I'm certainly not going to go and run 100 miles and then get to the sections just so I can experience the suffering but if you go run them with confidence and set little markers as goals to hit then it becomes easier on the day.

So just remember...

Monday, 20 January 2025

The long road back!

 Off we go again!!!

Hardmoors 160 entered, 3 months of graft in the bag, half a stone off, and a long long way to go!!  The thing is, as my wife now knows only too well, its almost like the bigger challenge the more I love it.  The challenge isn't just the 160 miles of running around the North Yorkshire Moors for 3 days non-stop barely eating or drinking without sleep or stopping, no no I think its the preparation phase I relish the most.  Its the changes I've got to make that most people wouldn't even dream of doing especially now I'm nearing a magical age of 50 (not just yet!!).  I have to increase training volume, decrease consumption of food and alcohol, stay away from the snacks and treats, get less sleep, get up and train basically in the middle of the night to some people.  I love this challenge because its mindset, strength of mind, will, desire to do what it takes and prove to myself I'm in control of my own body not giving in to habits, cravings, bad treats and lack of self control.  This is just me, its fine whatever anyone else likes or wants to do but this is me, I'll do my way like Frank once said!

This all began back in October once my problems with my back started improving, after nearly 18 months of not being able to stand up straight and long periods of that in considerable pain.  As a family we headed to Centre Parcs for our annual trip to the cabin in the forest and waterslides.  This I had decided was where it was going to begin!  I'd started attending yoga once a week again but had only been a couple of times by this point but I was already starting to feel the benefit and it gave me a lift, a sense that I will still be able to do things I'm striving for and to not quite throw in the towel just yet.  So I was going to use Centre Parcs as a retreat and an opportunity to reset and provide myself with the starting point to go on from.  I was wanting to fit in a few short runs, my stretching routine (yoga) and a little bit of strength work to compliment the other two things.  I made it a priority to do the stretch routine in the mornings, and then  again after we'd been in the pool and again in the evening.  This worked well and I came away with a mini win, a sense I'd stuck to my guns and achieved something, even if it was only a small win it was progress.  My hips were still bad and causing problems but I knew they were improving and would just take time.  Back I went to the yoga sessions and short steady runs looking to increase distance once things improved further.  

The day soon came round for the Hardwolds 80.  I knew I wasn't in great shape phyically or weight wise but I was going to get out there and do what I could because its the only way I know and its my way of doing things.  I had to know where I was at good or bad but its the brutal reality of long distance running.  It turns out I was in a bad way, pulling out after only 20 ish miles my hip flexors were bad and my back, but the positives were I'd put 20 miles in the bank and not made myself any more injured, I listened to my body.  Running on the ice was just not good for me I was strong enough to hold my posture and balance which was what started causing the problems in my back.  This was fine, I knew it was going to be on a wing and prayer but now I knew.  Its time to get down to work!

Christmas is only just around the corner at this point at my weight wasn't change but my mentality had.  I wanted to do this and have another go but it wasn't going to really start until January when the diet begins and I'm not drinking.  Inadvertently a payment went to my running coach Ronnie Staton and rather than ask for a refund I said lets get started now rather than in Jan.  It was the end of November heading into December, so I made the decision, I was going to start putting the effort in earlier than normal to get a head for the January regimne.  It made for a tough Christmas period as I was very reluctant to participate in certain aspects such as chocolates etc but I still had a good time and had most things, I just held back a little and tried to restrain myself.  Training was picking up we'd decided on a back to basics month so low mileage but gaining consistency overall.  This with the yoga started working a treat, I really felt the benefits and improvement was happening, it was game on!  I knew i was in a good place and started really looking forward to getting some weight off, this was going to be the next major hurdle.  

Strong mind-Strong body!!!