Sunday, 25 January 2015

So today I started this blog, I have to be honest I am not the most computer literate person around.  I don't really know what a blog is, where does that word come from is it like log book mixed together?? From reading a few others it seems like a bit of a diary correct me if I am wrong!

Any way, getting back to the running I have had a very pleasant pre-sunset run this afternoon on a chilly not too winters day.  It was great to get out again, seems like only yesterday, hang on it was ha ha! Wrapped up like I was summitting Mount Everest or something, ready to be frozen.  It started off quite mild which sent many questioning comments through my head like 'why I am wearing all this?' and 'isn't it meant to be winter?' and 'shall I take the hat and coat off and put in my bag to put on later?' or 'maybe the thermal top may not have been needed' or 'what shall I do with this buff?'.  By now a good 2 miles had gone and I hadn't answered any of my questions I'd just kept going, which is what you have to do right!

This all brought me to a couple of major questions that people keep asking me which I suppose are quite interesting debatable points really.  The first being, 'why?',  now I have read many running books recently and this question comes up in all of them.  The answer is pretty much the same just often given more time than  is needed.  Its quite straight forward surely, only the person doing it knows but don't ask them because they can't answer you as its something you have to experience and feel and it will be different for each person.  There is no answer, all I know is it makes me feel great, it keeps me fit and its bloody addictive! (Oh, and it usually warrants a pint afterwards)

Ok so this brings me on to my main point or question, 'what do you think about while running, don't you get bored?' This is really tricky, because as it happens I was thinking about things to write here and how I was going to do it.  Many funny things went through my head, good topical points, interesting discussion points, just focusing on one foot in front of the other, how many miles I had done and how many to go, where I was at the point in time, how low the sun was and was I going to get to the point with street lights in time before it was too dark and unsafe on the road, how warm I was because of the all the extra clothing I'd put on but actually the temperature is falling now so was I right to put it all on, how many miles would that mean I have done this week if I do this many today, how far shall I do tomorrow, can I actually do 100 miles, how would I do it psychologically, would I break it down in to 10 runs or 4 marathons or 8 half marathons, will it hurt er yes stupid it will hurt, how much will it hurt, how can I prepare mentally for this, and so on and so on?  Breath.........

  I don't see a problem myself, never bored and never run out of questions to occupy my mind. These got me through about 5 miles so you can imagine how many more I had floating around ha ha!  Again, this is only me I don't know about others, one mans madness is very unlike anothers!!!

So here is where I will leave it today, what do you think about when you run?

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