Reality is starting to kick in now. Out on the road early this morning, cold snowy and wet but train I did! I knew when I started my 10 week training plan for my first challenge 'Hardmoors 55' in March that the excitement and thrill of what lay before me would carry me through the initial first few weeks but eventually it would dawn on me the epicness (if there is such a word) of what I was embarking on doing. The harsh fact that I concluded whilst out running was that I am just not getting enough miles in the bank. I went through a couple of reasons in my thoughts of why, its not that I am lazy or not following my skeleton plan or that I am not putting any variety into my training. So what is it thats holding me back I kept saying...... Nothing, is the answer, its just I am now having to expect a lot more from myself, my drive has to increase and I have not got to lose sight of the goal........100 miles! My commitment to my challenge has to be seen through and I need to increase my level of output. What I have done up till now has been great and I haven't injured myself by going out all guns blazing and doing too much, its been a steady increase and the rewards will show I am sure. This doesn't take away the fear, the nagging feeling that it isn't enough, when the plan says 20 miles but the body says 10 the mind has to over come that hurdle. Its like they say ' the hardest thing is to get out the front door' this is so true. Once your up and about and out the door its just running, but when that fearful moment arises beep-beep-beep-beep-beep nobody is smiling I am sure!

So todays thoughts whilst I was running that kept bouncing round my head were, 'ME, MYSELF AND I'. Don't ask me why but this always seems to come into my head while running on my own. Theres only ME, its up to ME, there's no one else here just ME. I have to push MYSELF, its up to know one else, there my goals my dreams its for MYSELF. I am the only one that can do this, I am the one who said I would, I put myself here, I chose to do this! I find this helps my motivation, what motivates you while out and about?
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