Well, where do I start ha ha! Its been a really tough last 6 weeks knowing that my next big run is not far away and I'm hampered by injury. I've tried to work as hard at my recovery as I would at my training, by taking any advice seriously and spending time at what I've needed to do. Thankfully I feel I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. So in my time off from running I have missed Kielder 30 miler which gutted me to be honest but I new if I'd have gone and done it then the recovery was going to be even longer and I may have made it much worse. I rested and did light gym work but no running. Leeds Half Marathon came and went, I was even closer to where I am now with feeling good and able to run but still have that slight apprehensive approach to any form of sport as can still feel a slight pain in my heel. So the decision so far has been not to attempt anything and I feel that this has allowed me a quicker recovery. All I hear from people regarding 'Plantar Fascitis' is how long it takes to get rid of, and how that's it now it'll be injury after injury. What a load of twaddle, look after yourself, do what your told by the people who know, and rest. Its an injury like everything else it needs time to mend and then it needs time to learn how to work properly again! Trust in common sense and do the obvious but actually do it, not pretend to do it or just say you've done it. Anyway preaching over ha ha!
Where to now, its going to be a long hard slog up to 'The Wall' but self belief is important now and a strong mental attitude is key to the success of this challenge. I have set my sights on running a 100 miles and there is no way in that journey that I am not going to have set backs so its just learning important lessons along the way and learning how to deal with them to make me stronger!

Last week I started putting things back together, routines, planning, gym work and motivation. Each of these things being key areas to the success of the journey. I went out for a gentle run around the field covering about 5k which was enough, soft ground to help the injured foot and soft re-introduction to running again. Success! It felt fine the next day, what I mean is, it didn't feel any worse and this is a positive as it means it is healing. Over the course of the week I had a PT session which was great, really starting to develop better posture and core which in turn has improved my balance and flexibility. Also playing a few tennis matches really let me start feeling like I had turned a corner as this would have undoubtedly put pressure on the sore area when loading and pushing off. This all brings me to the start of this week which I felt the real start to being back in the game. I headed to Body Balance in the morning to get some essential stretching in and again to really get routine back As per normal I was utterly useless at it although John my friend wasn't there to make me look slightly better, sorry John. So Kasia made a bee line for me spotting all my failings and lack of balance! 'Bend your leg more Ed!', 'Hold your balance Ed!', 'Come on Ed keep your legs straight and just above the floor!' and so it continued, where was John, thats all I kept thinking. When will it end.....

That evening I had arrange a run with Dave thats 'Ginger Dave'. So off we went all in good spirits really pleased to be back out and running again, beginning to get some miles under my belt. First comment Dave comes out with is 'so how far we going then? as still have a tight calf so not far yeah?' me ' yeah me too, lets just do a couple of miles and have a stretch out'. Brilliant, loved it, funny funny! Half way way round Dave cherps up with ' so how far we going?? Because I reckon we've already done about 3 miles!!!' Think we were out for about an hour so 10k ish which was perfect for both of us he just didn't know it!
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