Sunday, 31 January 2016

With every ankle and calf compression sleeve and sock I could find making my new look rather Nora Batty like ha ha!  I decided that after a weeks rest it was time for a gentle run.   After spending 6 hours on the tennis court I felt I was ok to go for a bit of training.  Its been an interesting week seeing how my ankle was developing, from thinking my heel was going to be my problem to experiencing a pain gravitating up from the underside of my foot up the outside of my ankle and up my shin.  I had a massage on the Wednesday and spent the rest of the day excited as was moving about well and not feeling any discomfort, this is it I am free of the pain.  As ever it sneaked up on me and revealed itself yet again the day after.  Although it was much better and I definitely felt like my heel problem had become even less of a hindrance maybe it was the distraction of the ankle issue.  It is all on the mend and resting is not easy, I am allowing myself to do some running but it is limited at the moment.  I am setting myself a new interim challenge with swimming so that I am still getting my cardio and also I will start developing my skills ready for....wait for it....... yes a triathlon!  Its definitely the right decision at the moment to ease up on the running so this should help my motivation to keep working hard even though not out running.

I am now truly loving this adventure racing and Ultra experience and for see my future being around this environment and going beyond the normal and going to extraordinary places to achieve my goals.  A few injuries definitely does not put me off what I have set out to do, if anything it is just educating me further and teaching me how to cope better.  My motivation is very strong but the more I read and experience the more I want to get out there and make these goals and dreams real! 

My only fear is not making my time count, there is so much to do and look forward to having a go at.  Can't wait!

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