Today was the best I have felt running for such a long time, confidence in each step and strength in my legs that felt like I could keep it going. So we pushed for a good pace and for me keeping it under a 9 minute mile is quite something, yeah sure not for others but for me that was significant as it showed how far I have come and makes me believe in what I am doing that little bit more. Its not just words, I am actually improving so hopefully the HM55 won't set me back. I am gearing up for a Yorkshire 3 peaks challenge in the Easter holidays so hopefully my recovery will be quick.
It is an interesting time at the moment as I have a few friends now training for the York marathon or other ones and our conversations are so different to 10 years ago lol! Now its about running, the aches, pains and injuries and how to overcome such setbacks. My journey now has taken me through considerable battles certainly not making me an expert by any means but the knowledge gained from the experiences is vast and I love being able to pass that on to others to help them on there journeys.

Mine in reality has only just begun but its nice to think I am nearing that first goal and challenge I set myself back in the beginning when I was curious to know 'How Fars too Far!'.
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