Monday, 25 April 2016

One week after getting a niggle in my hip-flexor again I am slightly stressed about the run not necessarily how I envisaged but stressed about my hip.  There's one thing worrying about not being fit enough or prepared but having niggles that put doubts in your mind and worry that it will just not happen is not good.  I was very excited previous to crashing down with this slight injury so I'm hoping that a little rest and due care and attention can help solve this problem even if just temporarily.
So usual week before frustrations, fitness and niggles, doubts over the distance, planning and preparation, kit and confidence.  I still have a few bits and bobs to get that I think will make it a slightly better experience but nothing dramatic its just more psychological than anything but if they make things a little easier then I'm all for that.  I feel like I'm walking on eggshells at the moment as don't want to injure anything else and the fear of going for a little run is that I'm going to do myself more harm than good.  I don't enjoy this phase I'd rather just get on with it but since the next few days will prove important rest for my hip then I need to just go easy.
My support crew are being great, really helpful and keen which makes it easier as less to worry about.  Just want to make it a great experience for them too so we can all enjoy and you never know I might need there help again in the future if this doesn't put me off lol!!!

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