Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Hardmoors 110 (part3)

Yes there's more, I feel I need to do it justice and write a detailed report as this was such a monumental accomplishment for me personally and a milestone I will always look back to and say wow! That was what I had trained and worked towards for 2 years.

On approaching Saltburn as mentioned earlier this was to be quite a psychological boost as in my head that's all I had allowed myself think about regarding major goals and distances then breaking that down into smaller chunks where the check points were to make it much more achievable and not overwhelming.  I arrived 2 hours ahead of the cut-off which was brilliant, I was dead chuffed as I knew I would need this time in the up coming night section.  I met Chris he was parked in a separate carpark just away from the check point so once I had notified them of my arrival I proceeded to the van and rested up for 10 mins and refuelled.  I was excited now as I knew I had passed my first test, no injuries that was the big one, feet were ok no soreness or major blistering, no rubbing and no health issues.  We were ahead of time and feeling good, I now realised if I could get through the night section without any hiccups I might actually finish this race!

So all kitted up, jacket on and head torch shining the way off I went.  Although it wasn't easy getting up again from having a little sit down and rest, the legs were now getting sore and tight, my quads were feeling it.  I went off past the check point and typically straight up some steps which were starting to get to me mentally as I just didn't want to see any more ha ha!  After passing that little test it was time to get the directions out as I couldn't work out the next bit but luckily a couple of other runners were heading out too.  We went through what seemed to be a park and under a viaduct then after that it just became passageways and a few housing estates before hitting another trail which I assumed would take me to Slapewath Pub carpark where I was meeting the others and Rob was going to join me.  This was where we had a slight problem, the timing of meeting up was going to be close as Chris had needed to go to Osmotherly and pick them up and then return in time to meet me, I had given him 2 hours but in reality I was only an hour and a half so what was going to happen mmmm!
I ran down a path turning a corner knowing there was a main road and I wasn't far.  There was a number of cars and vans all parked up and I could make out a pub in the distance, this was it, were they here or was I going to have to wait for them.   I had said to Chris I would give them 10 minutes before leaving and then would have to meet them at Captain Cooks Monument.  Literally as was surveying the area the blue van pulled in further down the road as was heading towards me, wow the relief was amazing.  It was a definite boost just to see the others and have a bit of banter.  After getting re-stocked and re-fuelled Rob and myself headed off down the road leaving the other two and preparing for the night shift!

It was great to have someone with me now, as it was the night time, it always seems that little bit more lonely, so to have someone to run alongside and have conversation with was going to make it a much more pleasant experience.  We were heading up to High Cliff Nab through Guisborough Woods which I had always been slightly apprehensive about as its easy to get lost in here I really didn't want that to happen and hold us up.  Fortunately the same two ladies from earlier were still in our radar and between us we all managed to keep on the right track.  Roseberry Topping was the target, I loved it now as I knew the route from here so mentally I could keep ticking off visually land marks.  The bad side to knowing the route well is that you know exactly what it is to come.  My short term goal was Roseberry with a slight desire to get to Chris and Amy at Captain Cooks Monument.  As the darkness became pitch black, and the temperature get dropping we knew we were going to be in for a long night.  The paths were easy to move on and weren't too wet and slippy as had been previously when I done them.  We had Roseberry in our sights and in awe of the people already there, the spectacular sight of all the little mini head torches flickering like fire flies up the Topping.  We approached it and as I warned Rob we first had to go down a tretcherous path before the base of the climb.  This proved ok, a little slippy but I coped ok I was just getting ready for the tough climb and the increase in heat rate and hoping I could contain the nautious feeling I had experienced earlier.  As we climbed I had to keep taking mini breaks just allow my heart rate to keep dropping, then pushing on passing the other runners heading back down.  We reached the peak in decent time just to hand my number over, turn round, and head back down.  Slipping and sliding trying not get my feet stuck or trapped as a little trip or fall here would probably mean the end of the race for you.  Off we went, CC monument was next on the list and I felt like we had just ticked off a fairly major part of my race.  Feeling good and happy with where I was at we had a liitle run where it flattened off before the steep decent into the car park for the check point.  It was great to get here as psychologically I felt it wasn't far now we were nearing the major cut-off in good time.  Chris informed us that we had lost nearly an hour on that section we amazed me as felt like we had done ok but it was a great reality check and meant it was important to not to get complacent.  Now I firmly had my sights on reaching Osmotherly in good time and seeing Olivia and my parents, we just had to get past Kildale and push on.  We said our goodbyes to the other two as it was now going to be some time before we say them again, Chris was ready for some sleep and rest as his part of this adventure was also tiring maybe not in the same way but still tiring mentally.  To Oz!

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