Thursday, 4 March 2021

 Push, push, push!  Its easy to just get into the mindset of unrelenting training and constant pushing.  Once I get into a routine, for example running 7 miles every day, I find it difficult to either stop or change it.  What I've found in having the training plan from Ronnie is that I get the variety needed, but I still get carried away and currently due to covid I'm definitely over training or at least in danger of over training if I don't reign it in. The Myzone heart rate training app is great and really helped me through this period but it's dangerous too as I get addicted and carried away.  It means I have to keep going every day so as not to miss out on the bloody points.  What I notice in the training, if say a run, the effort level stays the same or at least I mean I'm still trying as hard as possible but it becomes more and more difficult to get the desired heart rate.  So for the same run its a lot lower and therefore the points total is less so actually a little disappointing.  Throw in an odd rest day and boom, its straight back up there.  So is this the body saving energy knowing that this is now the daily routine therefore it needs to preserve reserves, and when its less regular it allows more fuel/energy to be used and allows it to deplete knowing its not every day???

So based on the theory above I've mixed it up a bit.  In February I really tried to put a big effort in, not only trying to lose a bit of weight which I did, and I tried to put in as many miles as possible with some big efforts every Sunday.  Pushing myself hard over the month actually led to a couple of niggly injuries that I knew weren't major but needed managing.  Knee's and hip were the main areas that needed constant stretching and focus.  What pleased me the most was being able to work through these longer distances such as 28,30 and 35 miles while slightly impeded by these injuries.  Not always advisable but I looked after them and I was able to rest in between runs as I'm not working at the moment.  This week I'm doing a few different things whilst allowing a bit of recovery, such as when I'm walking the dog I'm carrying a 15kg back pack so I'm still putting in a shift.  I did short sprints and hill repeats yesterday over a 4 mile distance, and back out with the dog this morning.  I intend to do a short workout this afternoon before long run tomorrow of 22 miles and 30 on Saturday or Sunday. 

I actually like this periods because I become a little more inventive with my training which gives me an extra edge.  What I've gained from the last few months apart from a greater fitness and weight loss, is stronger resilience and confidence from being able to just get out my back door and run.  

So my message today is, like the Nike logo says, "Just do it!" ..........

No excuse :)

Love this as it reminds me of something very important.  Once you get to the point of wanting to quit, that's when the journey really begins!!!

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