Monday, 3 March 2025

 What a week!

Up and down as ever.  From feeling great to suffering from blood sugar crash.  Since Thursdays disaster run of approximately 2.5 miles then a blood sugar crash which ultimately left my legs feeling weak and heavy, slightly dizzy and just generally terrible and made me choose to go back rather than carry on.  This made me feel liked I'd failed, I'd looked forward to this so was a bit gutted.  So... spent the day trying to gee myself up again doing stretches and some weights so it didn't feel like too much of a right off.  The plan was to go big on Sunday with a 20 miler so prep was the key, making sure I had the food right before I went and then making sure I took easy access sweets and a few bits of more substantial stuff in the pack.  

I've just started on the Huel Daily Greens drink, which if I'm honest, doesn't taste that great but I'm pushing through and trying to be consistent. Have I noticed any difference yet, nope! but lets hope I'm getting healthier and my body is becoming more efficient!

 Back to feeling good again on Saturday so feeling a little excited again about my long run.  The plan was a route that takes me about 20 miles give or take which was enough for this.  I set the alarm for 4am and got up ready to go.  Making sure I had my porridge as normally then a piece of toast with peanut butter as my extra fuel! I needed this to work!  Got my kit ready and out the door for 4.45am with about 3.5-4 hours of running ahead of me.  I started off a bit nervous which made feel a bit off but I soon settled down by taking it steady and not pushing too hard.  I was just going to have to tough it out and work with it as my body needs to get used to the struggle.

Once I hit the 10 mile mark I was feeling more comfortable, sounds odd I know but you get settled and more of a rhythm. Legs were feeling good so no reason to be complaining as I'm not running at break neck speed or anything so its all about convincing the brain that there is absolutely no reason to stop or slow down.  Once I hit the last stage which is about 3.5 miles I was actually pushing on and feeling quite good.  Strangely I still had my head torch on my head even though the sun was up and daylight was upon us, but basically I didn't was to stop or change anything so it was staying put!

After I'd return to the house and did some stretching my plan was to get a bath which is my usually routine as makes me feel good and relaxed after, but first and foremost I need a cup of tea ha ha!  My planned breakfast, which I'd been deciding on for about 4 hours was going to be steak, bacon, 3 eggs maybe 4 lol, black pudding and a slice of sourdough bread (breakfast of champions)!!

No harm in eating well if training well!!

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