Monday, 17 February 2025

 Just as I thought I was getting somewhere, boom! oh no....

So yet again I was all up for a long run on Thursday and it didn't go quite as planned, not through any physical issues but more through tiredness and exhaustion.  So my intention was, after our weekend away in the van to head out on Monday morning and smash 18 miles. Yet again I was getting excited about getting out for a long run as this is what I always crave and why I do the other stuff.  The weekend adventure in the van just to the coast was our first trip out in it.  More on that in a bit, but I think the bed makeup didn't suit my back because on Sunday morning I could barely walk or stand up straight.  I felt like I had 6 months ago, I was mega scared that it I'd reversed all the hard work I'd done. We'd set off on our walk from Boggle Hole heading towards Robin Hoods Bay initially then on a bit more which turned out to be as far as Bay Ness along the Cinder Track and then back on the Cleveland Way.  It took what felt like forever before my back eased and hip flexors stretched out, it had been awful, the pain brought back the months of agony I'd already been through.  I thought that was going to be it and it would be fine Monday morning again.  Oh no how wrong could I be, back to square is it? I hope not.  Plans for long run put on hold again till Thursday.  Straight back to my stretches and off I went on a dog walk to see how bad.  Just like before I could barely move down the street but again it eased and felt better.  I decided after the food shop I was going to head out for what was on my schedule which was an 8 mile run.  More stretching and thorough warm up first though!

The Van!  Or should I say the BW Van (not VW), this was going to be our future adventures away together.  We'd opted for a basic shell of a van so we could renovate it as we go, learning what we wanted and needed.  Off we went on Saturday afternoon after packing everything we needed and more, Sarah packing for an artic adventure with blankets, duvets and yes hot water bottles. I packed my shorts lol!  We headed off to 'Falling Foss' a carpark that was known as a campervan overnight parking spot.  We arrived and got set up and took the dog for a walk down the stream to the falls and back.  Wow this was awesome, we'd finally done it. The adventure has now begun and we are now writing our own future. The places we'll go, the times we'll have, the memories we'll make together are just beginning.

Ok so back the job in hand.  The training!  What areas do I need to improve?  I'm looking at working on my upper body strength including core and arms. Overall body strength is key to the endurance factor.  I'm also looking into better nutrition during training and during the event.  More research required.  I feel my weight has stabilised or plateaued at the moment but I feel I've only just got myself to a weight that I should be at anyway so the next phase is to get under this and start edging towards to my race weight but no rush as I need the calories with the training I'm doing.  Keeping it steady and not gaining any is the key now.  I've just ordered a new book on Hill running which shall be interesting and I hope very helpful.

Relentless Forward Progress!!


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