Thursday, 20 February 2025

 Interesting week so far.  I feel mentally focused and on point, even researching all sorts of foods, training and races.  Physically I feel a bit drained and heavy legged.  I feel zoned in on what I'm trying to achieve but I'm running through treacle constantly or dragging a heavy tyre like sled pulling.  So, how do I get back at it? Keep the focus, keep eating well and re-creating the menu and rest a bit or change it up.  What I find when I'm engrossed in the training like at the moment is how deep mentally I get involved lol!  I'm now exploring 'Mindset', mental strength conditioning.  I already feel this is one of my strengths but how do I tap into it even more to give me what I need to achieve my goal.  Process.....this is the key!  Setting out small individual targets and challenges that are going to build towards the bigger goal.  Look for the key elements I need to succeed, then develop or focus on them separately before fitting them together.

Progress report on weight loss - currently I've plateaued at a good low weight for me and approximately half a stone or 3Kg off my target weight.  This is fine I am happy with where I currently am as my body adjusts.  I will have another push starting next Monday to hit another benchmark.  My mindset on this is very clear, I've done the initial hard work I now have to refocus my efforts on going the extra mile.  I need the calories and energy to be able to keep pushing my training to the next level but I also need to keep dropping the excess weight.  What do I do to get this working, I still need a calorie deficit but I need to be able to train harder.  So,  I've kept up the increased protein level, introducing Whey protein, I have also ordered some Creatine which will help muscle growth after training, help recovery through the increased growth which should allow the muscles to cope with a greater training load.  

Remember - Growth Mindset, don't get stuck doing only what you know.  Look to learn more, new things and add something more to help get the best you.  I feel like I'm really out of my comfort zone with nutrition, supplements and different styles of training.  My desire to succeed allows me to want to learn anything that's going to help me.

The greatest ingredient is still - HARDWORK!!!

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