Thursday 5 November 2015

It's been a while I here you saying!  Yes yes I know but I don't want to seem like I go on and on about the same stuff all the time.  Fresh, exciting, fun, interesting and just a little crazy at times, no that's just me ha ha!  Ok back to it, what have been up to.  Well after my long break in the summer due to injury which to be honest is much better but still slightly there, I have begun  the slow process of starting the training again.  I have eased my way back in to re-introduce my body to my demanding schedule which isn't just the running and gym work its my job of coaching tennis too.

I began a few weeks ago with a few light runs to test the heel and practise running in my new beasts 'The Hoka' trainers.  Now I say practise which means get used to, and I will explain why!  I think in an earlier post I explained about the difference in the shoe and why I was giving them a go, the raised heel, the extra cushioning and support etc etc.  Well that's all well and good but these bad boys are big they make me that much taller, which is ace I love it, but the problem is when I am running.  I set off ok bouncing down the street and suddenly after a short while I scuff my feet repeatedly for some unknown reason and then almost barring a uniquely styled out save, I trip over my own feet!!! Then I remember I'm wearing short ski boots lol!  So then I spend the rest of my run over-lifting my feet as if running on malton lava!   Any way moving along from my daft running technique,  a few runs in and yes I had a marathon to prepare for.  So I had literally given myself two weeks of prep for York Marathon, crazy!  It was  great I didn't set any speed records fast or slow ones but I had a great time and achieved my be no more injured than when I started.  Mission accomplished and the heel survived.  This was brilliant, I now new I could slowly get back to it and start booking in some more adventures and prepare myself for the Hardmoors 110 next April, oh yes the challenge is back on!!!!!

100 miles and beyond!
What are you going to do today to push your limits!

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