Thursday 3 August 2017

Small targets, big goals!!!

So after my horrendous run last Tuesday that felt ridiculously tough I managed to head out again the day after!  I was determined that I could do better and it wasn't going to be as horrible an experience as the previous day.  This then turned into another run the day after putting me in a very positive mindset for the upcoming trail half-marathon at Rosedale on the Yorkshire Moors.  I have definitely turned a corner now my drive is back, my life in general is on the up due to a certain person so all is good.  So the next question is, how to maintain desire and motivation?

A great little slogan I like to use, not just in my training, but on the tennis court too and generally in life it can be applied is' small targets, big goals!'   This allows you to set lots of mini targets, bench marks that all lead towards you achieving your main goal.  So for me in this journey I have started, my goal is to find out what the greatest distance I can cover in one go is so all my mini targets are small events like half marathons building up the distance therefore developing the training in a progressive manner and staged so as to not be overwhelmed by the huge distance of the end goal. So my current end goal is the Hardmoors 160 so my progressions are Rosedale Half, Hardmoors 60, White Rose 100, possibly New Years Day 30, possibly Northumberland 35, Hardmoors 55 then I'm there.  What this allows me to do is set smaller training periods to build different things such as to start with its regain and build base level fitness, then it will be to do some speed work, then more core training and flexibility, strength work all of these at the same time as increasing mileage in training.  So bite size manageable chunks!  Small targets-Big goals!!!

I like this it says a lot to me, as it should you.  You have to keep believing in yourself, it is the key!  Remember 'Believe to achieve'!!  No great words said or motivating phrase, you just have to believe in yourself, don't question it, don't doubt it, just put everything you have into it and only believe in the desired outcome.  Deep thoughts there but how true!   Happy Thursday friends :)

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