Thursday 9 November 2017

So with three days to go till Dalby Dash 10k I have just had a light session in the gym doing a few dumb bell weights and kettlebell swings with sit-ups and some Romanian twists.  My training for the Hardmoors 160 is in its infancy but its starting to shape up nicely.  I have a new addition to my team adding a different dimension to my training.  This is Jake, and he will be doing a lot of crossfit endurance training with me including a lot of squats, dead lifts and general power work.  This is in the form of one session a week with him then doing 2 more sessions on my own.  The plan is to work harder in the gym on strength building and working on my weakness and improving my form.  I will be including running in this programme but not high mileage, my high mileage runs will be spread out over the next 6 months with a gradual increase but not any distance that is going to cause long term injury or lack of recovery time.

So I met up with Jake yesterday to do some assessments so he could decide on what the best course of action was going to be.  He had me doing some squats looking at my form and posture, some single leg squats and then some shoulder flexibility and mobility exercises.  We then moved on to doing some squats with weight doing 3 reps at a time increasing the weight to try and find what I was comfortably capable of.  We got up to 95 kg which was good (I think) and this will give us a great starting base platform.  Once Jake had given me the instructions and technique practices, I got stuck in.  The heavier the weight the greater, or weirder the facial expression and more obscure the noises coming from me ha ha!
Next up I have a squash match tonight then hoping for a short run tomorrow at some point then rest before Sunday.  Then I have a four weeks of training before Roseberry Topping when the real work begins!

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