Tuesday 17 March 2020

5 weeks of body balance now!  I actually feel a lot better for it, I feel an inner strength developing as in different muscles being worked and developed that kick in when I'm out running.  The physical benefits are greater than you think and I'm glad I pushed myself to get back into the habit of going.  I'm now phasing the training down a notch in preparation for the Hardmoors 55 even though I'm not entirely sure if its going to be on or not.  I need to just keep focusing on the training and what will be will be.  I've found it quite hard over the last week, not necessarily motivation wise but the actually running feels hard work now as my legs feel fatigued so giving them sufficient rest is key now.

Last week I wanted to put in a long run but didn't want to go to crazy so less than 20 miles but over 15 was the goal.  I did my normal run from Hutton-le-hole and managed a 17 which was great as used it as an actually training session so on the hills I was working hard and pushing up them and on the downhills I was trying to push hard and go faster than I would normally.  I got the rewards by doing it in a half decent time which was about 20 mins faster than before which felt good and should signs of improvement.  I think overall I'm in a much better position than previously and potentially I have a chance of doing this thing.  My speed is still an issue I think but my strength and stamina is much better.

Now the main problem is what's going to be on and what's going to be off.  I've just found out that the hardmoors 55 is now off which is mega bad news for me as this was my going to be about confidence for the 160.  I am no considering do the route any way and getting the training in regardless as I need to feel I've got in my legs and they need to experience the toughing it out qualities you need in Ultra running.  This is an essential part of my training so I need to plan this and do it!

My weight has continued to drop, although saying that its not been much recently but its still where I want it so I can still improve on this which I will definitely be doing.

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