Wednesday 22 April 2015

Very frustrating period at the moment and not much to report really.  The training has taken a bit of a set back due to this bruised heel I am suffering from which is thought to be 'Plantar Fasciatis'.  Many different ideas on how to treat yet no curable method except 'rest'!  Not possible in my line of work so constant stretching and the use of rock tape and a massage ball.  I was signed up to do Kielder this Sunday which would have been 30 miles of suffering I think and then the inevitable week of hobbling and regret. So since I am a year older and wiser I have decided to listen to the voice on my shoulder telling me 'don't do it!!' its tough since the voice on the other shoulder is saying 'you'll be fine, you'll love it of course you want to do it!!' Aaaarrrgghhh! It was a fight initially but as the great Highlander once said 'there can be only ONE!'  So I have decided to pull out and take the time off to recover properly so can get on with training for The Wall.

I have been keeping up with my massages to freshen the legs and keep them in good working order so ready for action again.  Personal training session today with Chris at Epoc Coaching should restore a bit of confidence and self belief although that hasn't been affected too much yet but I think that would have been if I'd run this Sunday then had to take another couple of weeks off heavy training.  I have been studying training in the form of 'Functional Patterns' so in theory training that is more relative to day to day living movements and functions that prepares the body better for an all round fitness.  I don't think this on its own is enough for me but I definitely see the benefits in incorporating it into a training schedule along with some crossfit endurance and the dreaded swimming pool!  I keep getting asked if I am going to do a Triathlon or Iron Man and I have kept shrugging it off and saying 'once I have done what I want to do with the running then will have a go'.  I am just putting it off, the pool is beckoning and so is the Iron Man challenge lol!  The trouble is I swim very badly and inefficient, it looks like someone has tied my legs together and attached lead weights, while simultaneously my arms are flapping through the water like a person drowning and trying to stay afloat or get peoples attention. Not the best to be honest if I am having to swim a couple of miles!

So what shall I be concentrating on over the next few weeks while in recover??? Its the big!!!  What I am eating, how much and when?  This will be my biggest challenge yet and its only the beginning.  Not today though, will start tomorrow ha ha!

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