Thursday 6 October 2016

Here's today psychological conumdrum.  When I tell people I am running the York marathon this Sunday most people reply with 'oh wow, that's great have you done much training?' to which my response has been 'yes but with a few interuptions but feeling good', they then follow on with 'well you'll find a marathon a doddle after what you've done!' to which my reply is 'nope, there all as difficult as one another you just know whats coming!'  This is honestly how it feels, whether I run 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon or a 100 miles.  My experience has shown me that they're all difficult its just how you decide to mentally prepare yourself for each accomplishment.  They all hurt, they all make me tired and they all need to be trained for, just some more than others.  Now being someone who just try's to finish and not really motivated by time and PB's its just about getting out there and doing it.  So, even though I've done the Hardmoors 110 a mere marathon is still a long way and will still hurt plenty! No easy runs, just less hard!

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