Monday 23 February 2015

Good training day today, set out for a run intending on doing about 8 miles.  All kitted up, leggings on, under armour, windproof jacket, no watch and no hydration pack (thank god!).  It was like running naked, and before you make any comments, no, I haven't run naked.  It was so strange, after taking a week off running last week, and always wearing my watch and pack I felt a strange sensation of running free, lighter and with no expectations or training plans in mind.  Beautiful run out in the morning sunshine, sweltering to be fair, you could have rung me out like a flannel, but just a great feeling.

I had many of the normal thoughts as talked about before, all the questions about the forth coming challenges and what lays ahead of me beyond the 100!  I have read many books now and picked up a mass of tips and knowledge and decided I need to implement some of these things.  The one that I find quite interesting is the idea of making a list of rules, boundaries and expectations.  These rules will guide me in times of doubt and uncertainty and provide me with a method to either keep going or resolve any confidence issues or desires to quit!  This list will start with things like 1. I will not stop,   2. It does not hurt, 3. I will not stop, 4. Keep going, and of course 5. I will not stop!  Joking apart this will be one of my lists but my main one will be 'The Law according to EBW'!  Once I have completed this list I will let you know as I am sure it will change constantly as my journey develops.  These rules or guidelines are there to see you through when decisions need to be made or more importantly when you aren't thinking straight or seeing straight.  I've read about when runners are prone to illusions and wander off the trail.  I Don't think I will get as bad as that but always best to be prepared.  'Fail to prepare' usually means 'Prepare to Fail' !!

Running in to the club and getting a quick change into something more appropriate for a class, I preceded to 'Body Balance'.  Yes, I'd decided to keep up my routine and utilise this class.  Its perfect for my needs, good slow moving stretches allowing me to improve my flexibility and to stretch out the key muscle groups that I over use in my training.  As normal I managed to make myself look utterly ridiculous but fortunately our normal teacher Kasia wasn't there, so John and myself managed to hide at the back in perfect anonymity. Bliss!  I was useless, yet happy in my ignorance.  Although speaking of my inability to bend my legs, and twist my back to look like a ravelled up piece of spaghetti, I do believe I am getting slightly better, my 'Warrior' pose is a sight to be seen!  I have now decided I need to apply this new found knowledge and put it into a more disciplined routine, something that isn't just once a week but done minimum once a day.  It has to become a ritual, something that must be done not to just improve flexibility but to enhance my training.  This is going to be key in my injury prevention and the sustaining of my training schedule.

Whats next, what else will become part of this journey???

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