Thursday 17 November 2016

Tough last few days really as been trying to rest my ankle after making the decision it was better to take a few days of impact and running to give it chance to heal properly.  Always a big ask with my work as always on my feet and load bearing.  So what I have been doing instead is almost as good, just not actual running!  Swimming has been my main focus, not being a great swimmer or lover of the water I resisted for a long time to take the plunge!  Not only swimming but I have increased the amount i am doing on the bike and stairmaster, mixing it all up to keep the variety of the workload and to get different forms of workout.  My strength conditioning involves muscle groups instead of just working one muscle as I decided i was just going to bulk up too much and that would mean I'd have to carry more which is not appealing!  The swimming has really taken off, due to my addictive personality type and stubborness i am really starting to feel the benefits.  My upper body strength is increasing because of it, my legs are getting a different kind of workout as it is breast stroke that I am generally doing.  My breathing and cardio seems to be improving because of it too which encourages me to do more.  My addictiveness takes hold when I get to a certain number of lengths say 40, and all i can hear myself saying is 'come on just two more' then i do them and i hear the same voice saying the same thing and before long i have done 50 ha ha!

I am currently trying to get out on The Pennine Way to recce some of the route for The Spine Challenger.  This is proving difficult just with work, family life and injuries.  Each day that passes though I read about others being out there and completing sections of the course and I am now panicking that I havent done enough.  My intentions are clear now, I need to get out there and some of it!  My training needs to alter slightly now and move nearer to pack training and more running over the next 5-6 weeks.

The need to plan is important, but the need to believe is greater!  Self-belief and mental training is crucial now.  The pain game is coming, time to get ready!

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