Sunday 8 March 2015

Tough couple of days, working long hours in a physically demanding job then motivating yourself to train is hard.  I managed the gym this evening in preparation for a decent 15 mile run tomorrow.  I am currently reading a number of books but my newest and most interesting is one called 'Unbreakable Runner'.  This book is all about a different method of training, something that goes against everything we're told about marathon training.  One method, the Lydiard Training method and the other being CFE which stands for CrossFit Endurance.  The Lydiard method involves high mileage and the old idea that 'runners, run!' so therefore if you want to improve form the run more.  The CrossFit Endurance method involves lower mileage and gym work isolating muscle groups and synchronising routines with improved running technique.  The CFE method is suggesting that following this method, long distance runners may suffer less with injuries. They have carried out numerous studies to prove this.  That's all well and good but I'm not trying to win races, just to train hard, but i want to learn how to be more efficient and stronger without becoming a muscle head!  Not much chance of that I hear you say, squeezing into my extra large shirt, yes yes very good, I still train hard I just carry a little more than the next runner. That just makes me stronger, no!  Maybe I should concern myself more with diet than training, your whispering in my ear, well I hear that too and the food I eat is good quality low fat food.  Yes, I am not perfect and am susceptible to the odd indulgence and liquid refreshment, but again I am not trying to win this race, just want to manage to finish it.

Hot bath this evening to relax my body after back massage on Friday which has left me feeling beaten and bruised!  Great to get the work into the muscle with this being a problem area for me, so rather than turn up after the race being injured, broken and unable to work I have taken this upon myself,  for once, to prepare.  My thinking was if I try to schedule in a back sports massage every few weeks during the 10 week programme prior to the race it may alleviate any problems during the run and maybe help reduce any post race injuries and pain.  Fortunately I also had a leg massage with Belinda on the same day, working all the stresses and strains of the weeks training out, which I have to say felt amazing. I felt so refreshed after and my legs felt energised and ready for more training.  Well worth it if you've ever thought of it and not yet managed, I thoroughly recommend it.

Topping the massage and work load, the gym this evening was actually rather nice, just a steady workout re-covering the work Chris does with me and strengthening the legs and helping to condition the body for the work load and mileage I'm putting my body through.  I am already planning the different training I am going to endure once this run is done.  After reading various books it is interesting to see how these athletes work in periods and train at certain activities or methods for a period then move on working through a cycle over a period of time, alongside the running training.

What do you do other than run to compliment your training????

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