Tuesday 23 May 2017

Ok nearly there now, just marathon day to go and I can collect my medal!  What a nights sleep I woke feeling energetic and refreshed.  Its amazing what a good nights sleep can do for you.  After the normal, I say normal but there's nothing normal about it at all, morning routines of toilet, food, prepping the kit for the day and maybe having a little stretch we all headed once more to the oh so familiar start line.  There was a bit of buzz about today because the top 200 runners were setting off a few hours after the rest of us so they would at some point come flying past.  With 'Highway to hell' blasting out of the speakers we set off.

Today the plan was to just get it done as quick as possible, no hanging about, no taking my time and pacing it, just get it done asap!  The poles had served me well all week and today wasn't any exception.  I was pushing on at a reasonable pace using the poles to ease the work load on the legs.  I was able to do a slow jog on the flats and pushed hard in the dunes which were by now very hard work after the weeks effort so far.  The day seemed to drag on but I had an extra zip in my stride knowing that this was it, when we cross the finish line I will receive my medal and that's all that mattered and the quicker I could make that happen the better.  Like the previous 4 stages my strategy was to work as hard as possible in the morning before the full heat of the day set in and then finish as soon as I could.  I was aiming to finish before 5pm that was the goal therefore allowing 8 and half hours which sounds loads to do a mere 26 miles but I now new the terrain and this was certainly not going to be easy.

The day was tough and I was pleased to get to the last check point which felt different to all the rest.  Ah yes that's because it was the last one lol!  I was greeted with a cheer and a congratulations, followed by 'well done you've done it.  Just last 5km to the end.  Enjoy!'  So once I'd sorted my water bottles and had something to eat I was quickly on my way I wanted to get finished I could taste it!  We came to what I can only describe as a mine, a run down ruined mine.  It was a bit eerie I thought, the ground had changed colour slightly too which was a bit weird making my eyes strain slightly as they had to adjust to focus.  As I scrambled my way along this track through the disused mine I had many thoughts and emotions running through my head, I was nearly there, all the work and training was coming to an end.  I wasn't crying but my eyes had weld up slightly as I thought about all things that motivated me and got me where I was.  We turned a corner and there it was like the wizard of Oz and the yellow brick road.  I could see the Emerald City it was magnificient.

Of course I knew this was going to be at least 2km away though, but my steps became stronger and faster and the race was on for the finish line!  I was really pushing hard switching from running to walking and hurrying myself along.

I passed a few people, not on purpose more along the lines of I just wanted to finish rather than gain a few extra places on the leader board.  I had a chat with a few mainly French so the conversations were limited as my French is fairly limited ha ha!  Then all I could hear behind me was some singing and what sounded like a eukulele.  At first it was ok and fun but since I'd been running away from these guys all afternoon it was like torture to me ears.  I pressed on hoping to finish well ahead of them but unfortunately they court me and we all finished more or less together.

This was the moment I'd been waiting for, my thoughts were 'just don't fall over near the line as that will be your lasting picture of the race forever!'.  I was approached my Patrick the race director, handed my medal and given a hug and a well done.  I stood to have my photograph taken but the bloody eukulele man was hogging the limelight aarrrgghhh!!!!  I took my sweet tea and collected my water ration and headed back to the tent.  I received a good cheer along the way and met the boys who were already back sat with Lynton.  They clapped me in which made me slightly emotional again.  I'd done it, I'd achieved my dream, my goal and I'd broken 'The Worlds Toughest Footrace', get in!

Once the euphoria had calmed down a little and I was sprawled out on the rug sorting kit and stuff out I was ready to eat and they meant everything I had left lol!  I'd carried the Union Jack flag the whole distance in my pack so it was time to unveil it.  We tied to the tent post in celebration of us finishing and being proud to be British.  Great photo with my mate Lynton, very proud moment that I will always look back on with fond memories.

Looking at this now I can see how tired and exhausted I looked.  I didn't care at the time as I'd completed it.  My feet had survived, slightly battered and bruised and blistered but nothing too serious.  They had served me well and got me through.

We were all very giddy and full of it.  Why not, after that week!  It was such a great feeling and to be able to share that with others made it even more so.  We still the little matter of the charity day to do but it was to be only 7.7km and didn't affect the race times.  We kicked back and chilled out for the rest of the afternoon watching everyone else come in and clap them back to their tents.

I got cleaned up and refuelled and then just rested, I don't think I quite realised that was it, I'd finished, I'd achieved my goal that I'd worked towards for so long.  We were asked to head over to the finish line in the evening as there was some live music and presentations, and yes another Patrick speech. After hobbling about a bit I started feeling ok again to move, in fact I looked in pretty good shape compared to some people.  They were in a right mess, bandaged from head to toe almost lol! I headed over with John, it was just starting to get dark but we could see something on the ground scuttling about near the French lads tent.  I went over to investigate because I thought if its a little nasty they would want it sneaking in.  Turns out it was a little Scorpion.
So John, being 'The Terminator' started trying to get rid of it.  The more he antagonised it by trying to stamp on it the more it reacted and started going for him.  In the mean time I was just backing off slowly, keeping my distance just letting John go about his work!

Once he'd exterminated the little fella we headed over to see what all the fuss was about.  Tim was still at the Medics sorting his ankle out so we just had a wonder round.  There was a little stage built and a guy playing guitar with a female singer.  She was trying so hard to engage the audience and make it a fun occasion but everyone so just preoccupied with what they'd just achieved so weren't taking much notice of her.  We cheered the last runners in, everyone gathered and made it a special thing with photographers everyone and a fairly large welcoming committee.  I felt very sorry for these runners as not only had they probably just had the longest day ever and had to finish in the dark again but they then had everyone fussing about at the end when all they wanted to do probably was collapse in their tents.  We then moved over towards the stage where there was a few speeches and then the presentation.  Whilst this was happening a huge lorry turned up which was actually the free bar where I proceeded to get a beer and chill out on some stools Paul and I pinched.  It was a nice evening but I was done and ready for bed so headed back.  The problem was I now had visions of scorpions being in the tent eeeeekkk!

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