Friday 12 May 2017

So all back at the tent, this was a celebration in itself.  Runners were now dropping like flies, people hobbling round camp at the end of the stage and limping into the medics tent or doc trotters. I could hear people now discussing foot problems and rubbing in areas that you don't want to be.  My feet were gradually degrading and blisters appearing, which to me was inevitable and par for the course. It didn't bother me as it was nothing I hadn't seen and dealt with before.  Clean it, iodine, then tape it up!  What was more unusual was the mini nose bleeds I seemed to be getting each day.  It was nothing serious, I guess just from the small particles of sand that was like dust in the air.  My nose wouldn't bleed out but would be more crusty and blocked. Pretty disgusting to be fair but not too much I could do about it.

Here's Tim and Paul discussing the days challenges whilst refuelling and having their three course evening meal. I think this was where Tim was just talking us through his bathroom experience.  It went along the lines of the plastic seat breaking and how he fell to the side obviously nothing to hold on too so ended up crashing through to the next cubicle and introducing himself to some French dude.  Whilst using his best Francais he was losing control of 'the bag' and ended up in a bit of a mess.  I won't go any further into this but it was highly amusing for the rest of us when he came back and said something like " hey boys, YOU DO NOT!!!!! want to go in the middle cubicle, I've just found out its broken!" ha ha!  I found myself cracking up to this all night.  Cheers Tim lol!

Whats next, whats the next day got in store for us?  Oh  yeah its the long day, preparation done and feet ready.  Need fuel and rest, oh well I'll just have cope with what I've got which was kind of the way I treated the whole week.  Its only for one week, 'suck it up buttercup!'

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