Thursday 23 March 2017

I now have a renewed sense of confidence.  Not sure why, not sure how, but I now definitely have the belief that I will be all good to go on the 9th of April.  Its not going to be pretty but I know myself and what I can do, all I am there to do now is complete the course in the required time.  Any ideas of getting my best placement is now out the window, it was never going to be a world record but it would have been nice to see what my best is.  Now I am just happy to be there and hopefully push myself to finish it. 

I have been able to increase my limited training to make sure my legs are going to be ready for the trauma that they will face my feet are going to have to take a hit for the team which I am not looking forward to.  I'm hoping all the upper body work that I have done will be enough and my back doesn't get too painful too early on.

Yesterday I made a decision to get out for a minimal walk with pack and some kit on.  The sun was shining and I felt good.  I managed about 4.5 miles looking like something from Dads Army lol! My foot coped ok, but was still slightly sore but once back at the house I treated it with ice etc and it was fine again later on.

So here I am in some of my kit, this was to get a feel for the hat and glasses really.  Also testing where the bottles are and how the small bags on the belt fitted and there accessibility.  It was good to get out, physically just to get the extra fitness plus carrying the pack but also mentally as this settled some anxiety about not being ready.

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